Kotahi Rau Pukapuka 100 books in te reo

Cover of He kupu nā te māia

He pukapuka hou!

He kupu nā te māia
He kohinga ruri nā Maya Angelou

I te pukapuka nei rere ai ko te reo o te kāhui wāhine o Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo, me ōna kanorautanga. Ka titi tonu ngā kupu a te māia ki te ngākau o te hunga e āritarita ana ki te reo Māori i tēnei huinga ruri āna.

This collection of ruri/poems will warm the hearts of Maya Angelou’s most ardent admirers and will also introduce new readers to the legendary poet, activist and teacher. Translated by female graduates of Te Panekiretanga o te Reo. Curated by Charisma Rangipunga and Pānia Papa. Edited by Karena Kelly.

Cover of Rōmeo rāua ko Hurieta

He pukapuka hou!

Rōmeo rāua ko Hurieta

A te reo Māori translation of Shakespeare’s tragic drama of young love between two feuding families. Acclaimed translator Te Haumihiata Mason brings the world of Romeo and Juliet alive in a language filled with wairua Māori.

“Tokoiti nei te hunga o te ao whakamāori kōrero e rite ana ki a Te Haumihiata nei te matatau ki te reo me te mōhio ki tō te ao Māori titiro, tō te ao Māori whakaaro kia noho Māori tonu mai ai te wairua o te kōrero ahakoa nā tangata kē ngā kupu e whakamāoritia mai rā.” Mai i te kupu takamua nā Tā Tīmoti Kāretu.

Puripāha Te Pane Kaewa

Limited edition print

Purchase a print of this original artwork created by artist, Erena Koopu, for the cover of Puripāha Te Pane Kaewa. All proceeds wll help support the trust.

Ngā kōrero Info
Stacey Morrison holding the first 4 pukapuka A woman reading Nōu te Ao, e Hika e!
Two girls smiling for a photo with the Hare Pota and Nōu te Ao pukapuka

Piki mai ki runga i te kaupapa

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