Te kaupapa Our vision

Ko Kotahi Rau Pukapuka te waka. Ko te pae tawhiti, kia 100 ngā pukapuka reo Māori ka pae ki uta.
Kua whāia te pae tawhiti kia tata, i te otinga o ngā pukapuka tuatahi e whā. Nā Tā Tīmoti Kāretu i tuhi te pae ārahi o te huinga nei, e pā ana ki ngā haka me ngā waiata a te Māori. E kore koutou e ohorere i te ingoa, ko Mātāmua ko te Kupu! Hei mātāmua tēnei mā Kotahi Rau Pukapuka Trust. Hei mātāmuri, ko Hare Pota me te Whatu Manapou (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) nā J.K. Rowling, kua whakamāoritia e Leon Blake.
Me kore ake a Auckland University Press e puta nei ēnei pukapuka ki te ao hei te 5 o Noema, 2020. Me mihi hoki te tautoko a Te Mātāwai, a Creative New Zealand, a Hoku Foundation, a JP & KA Witehira Trust, a Waikato-Tainui, a Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, a ANZ Bank, a Air New Zealand, a Legasea me Ockham Group, tae atu ki ētahi kaitautoko takitahi.
E mahi tahi nei mātou ko ngā mātanga o te ao tā pukapuka me ngā mātanga o te reo Māori hei whakanui ake i ngā pukatā, i ngā pukaoro me ngā pukahiko reo Māori hei pānui, hei whakarongo hoki mā te rangatahi me te pakeke e ngākaunui ana ki te rere o te kupu. Ka āta kōwhiria ngā momo pukapuka rongonui ki uta, ki tai, hei whakamāori mā tētehi kāhui kaiwhakamāori e ū ana ki te kounga o te reo.
E ora ai te reo, me rongo tōna reka, me kite hoki tōna rerehua i ngā kokonga katoa o tēnei motu. Ko ngā pukapuka nei hei manapou mō te reo taketake o Aotearoa. Ko te whāinga hoki, kia nui ake ngā pukapuka ka tuhia ki te reo hei whāngai i ngā whatumanawa me ngā hinengaro o te hunga pīkoko.
"Kia puāwai te aroha ki te reo
mā te rau pukapuka."
Kotahi Rau Pukapuka Trust was launched in October 2019 with an audacious goal of producing 100 great books in te reo Māori.
The first four titles, produced in a valued collaboration with Auckland University Press, were released in November, 2020.
Our kaupapa has received early support from agencies, iwi entities, corporate and private philanthropy, including Te Mātāwai, Creative New Zealand, Hoku Foundation, JP & KA Witehira Trust, Waikato-Tainui, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, ANZ Bank, Air New Zealand, Legasea and Ockham Group as well as individual sponsors.
Together, we are fortifying the collection of quality reo Māori books available for rangatahi and adult readers in printed form, as e-books and audiobooks, to suit every type of Māori language enthusiast. The Kotahi Rau Pukapuka series will comprise a diverse array of both original Māori books and outstanding translations of great books from English and other languages.
The Kotahi Rau Pukapuka kaupapa is founded on the belief that an abundance of quality literature in te reo Māori is a critical support for our whānau and communities engaged in language revitalisation. We also believe that feeding the literary appetites of Māori language speakers will help to nurture generations of future Māori writers.
"Growing a love for the language
through a hundred books."
About the spine design
The tāniko-inspired design used on the spines of our books, and on the left of this website, is a reference to traditional korowai (a cloak with an ornamental border).
The centre of this tāniko-inspired design represents te reo Māori, the heart of the kaupapa.
The trianguar designs shooting out from the centre represent the many books that will be created as a result of this kaupapa.
Ko te reo Māori te kahu e korowai ana i te kaupapa me ōna tini manako.
The Māori language is the cloak which envelops this project and its many aspirations.