Paiheretia Aperahama
Books that Paiheretia Aperahama contributed to:
He uri a Paiheretia Aperahama nō Te Aupōuri, nō Muriwhenua, nō Ngāti Tūwharetoa me Te Ātiawa. He kaiwhakawhiti reo ā-tuhi, he kaiako reo Māori, he pou reo hoki ia. Me kore ake ōna karani me ōna mātua i taea ai e ia ēnei mahi. Ko te ao Māori tōna kaiwhakamahu, i te ao, i te pō.
Paiheretia Aperahama has multiple tribal affiliations - Te Aupōuri, Muriwhenua, Ngāti Tuwharetoa and Te Atiawa. He works as a translator, teacher of te reo Māori and language consultant, attributing his proficiency in these domains to the gifts bestowed by his parents and grandparents. The Māori world sustains him night and day.