Mākoha Gardiner
Kanohi hōmiromiro
Books that Mākoha Gardiner contributed to:
Nō Ngāiterangi, nō Ngāti Ranginui, nō Te Arawa a Mākoha Gardiner. Kua roa ia e takahi ana i te ara whakapakari i te reo Māori, hei oranga mōna, hei oranga mō āna tamariki mokopuna.
Koni ati i te 20 tau a Mākoha e whakaako ana i ngā kura tuarua, i ngā wharekura i Rotorua. E whai ana ia kia whakatairangatia te reo i te rāngai mātauranga mā roto mai i ngā mahi tohutohu. Kua kopoua ia ki te Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
He Ika-a-Whiro a Mākoha nō Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo, ka mutu, kua whakawhiwhia ia ki te Toi Reo Māori, arā, ki te tohu kaiwhakamāori. Hei tāna, he hōnore nui tāna whai wāhi atu mai ki te tautoko i tēnei kaupapa.
Mākoha Gardiner hails from Ngāiterangi, Ngāti Ranginui and Te Arawa. For most of her life she has pursued excellence in the Māori language, for her own and her children’s sake.
Makoha taught in Rotorua secondary schools and wharekura for more than 20 years. She remains involved in education as a consultant and has been appointed to the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand. She is a graduate of Te Panekiretanga o Te Reo and Te Toi Reo Māori.
Mākoha considers it a privilege to have contributed to the translation of Pounamu Pounamu.