Herea Winitana
Books that Herea Winitana contributed to:
Nō ngā iwi o Tūhoe, o Ngāti Awa, o Te Aupōuri, o Maniapoto, o Te Arawa a Herea Winitana, engari i whakatōkia te pito ki Ngāti Tūwharetoa. O te tokowaru tamariki nā Chris Winitana rāua ko Tinamaree Kaipara, ko Herea te tuarua o te pā harakeke.
Te nuinga atu o tōna whakatipuranga, i pakeke mai ia, ka mutu i kuraina hoki ia ki te kāinga ki waenganui i tōna whānau. Tokoono ā rāua ko Paehoro Konui tamariki, e whakatipuria ana i te matomatotanga o te reo me ngā tikanga.
Ko ōna ngoi katoa ka whakapetohia ki te whakatānekaha atu i ngā pakiaka o tōna iwi kia tahiti ake, kia whānui ake, kia tiketike ake, kia hōhonu ake te māramatanga ki ngā mātua tīpuna me ngā koha nā rātau i waiho mai hei oranga mō tātau katoa, pēnei i te reo me ngā tikanga. E ngākaunui ana ia ki te āwhina i te tangata, ahakoa nō hea, ahakoa ko wai.
Herea Winitana belongs to the tribes of Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Te Aupōuri, Maniapoto and Te Arawa, however he was raised in Ngāti Tūwharetoa. He is the second of Chris Winitana and Tinamaree Kaipara’s eight children.
Much of his upbringing and schooling occurred at home amongst his family and close relatives. He has six children of his own with Paehoro Konui, whom they raise with te reo and tikanga.
Herea focuses all his energy on strengthening his tribal roots in order to extend and deepen understanding of his ancestors and the many gifts they bestowed for the wellbeing of their descendants. These include the gifts of language and tikanga. Herea is passionate about helping people, no matter who they are or where they are from.